Wholistic Nutrition
The single most important medical science of all...is nutrition.
--- T. Colin Campbell
Wholistic Medicine
Reductionism of Nutrients
Nutrients are often viewed as working independently, because we study them independently. That’s how the funding is broken down and distributed. This is a bad approach though, because they all seem to work together. Studying one independently really takes it out of context. The complexity involved with how your body actually absorbs nutrients isn’t able to be tracked reliably anyways.
Reductionism: Drugs and Side Effects
Can’t make money off of plants, so we make a chemical derivative of it to sell as a drug. The problem is now it is this singled out synthetic drug that your introducing into the body. Now you have a bunch of side effects to deal with as a result.
The Whole is Greater Than the Sum of the Parts
Studying individual aspects in relation to how it impacts the whole is fine, but separating it out and isolating it just isn’t smart. It may be more profitable, but it’s not getting to the real truth of the individual element’s true relationship to the whole.
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Authored By Tim Brown
Have the attitude and honest belief that if you give it your all it will be done. One day or day one.