Milk. It Does a Body Bad!
About a century ago we ate 4 lbs of cheese per year, now we are up to over 33 lbs. “The myth that osteoporosis is caused by calcium deficiency was created to sell dairy products and calcium s...
Nutrition Causes Cancer, Not Genetics
How might protein “turn on” cancer? What’s the mechanism? Every time they looked for a mechanism protein above a certain level turned out to be turning on cancer. There is a complexi...
Time Restricted Eating - 16:8 Daily Diet
Personal health is related to self-control and to the worship of life in all its natural beauty - self-control bringing with it happiness, renewed youth, and long life. --- Maria Montessori The Plan...
Obesity, Weight Loss, and The Fight To Survive
Microbial transplants prove causality, even work for behavior (in mice) Microbiome Relationship to Obesity? Classifying lean vs obese based on: human genes has an accuracy of 57% microbial genes ...
Omega 6 and Omega 3
One study showed that replacing corn oil with olive oil and canola oil to reach an n-6:n-3 ratio of 4:1 led to a 70% decrease in total mortality. --- Chris Kresser Omega-3 Sources ( WILD FISH! Not ...
Phosphate Additive Health Risks
Another reason to stay away from meat (chicken is included with this one; they get injected too) and cola. Phosphates are added to cola to keep it from turning black. It’s added to meat, so that...
Saturated and Trans Fats Cause Memory Issues
Genes are not destiny. --- Neal Barnard There is iron and copper in your body; it actually oxidizes in your body causing the production of free radicals. These free radicals act like sparks in your...
The Potato Hack
That's another fascinating aspect about diet, is how much of our life we are willing to forego health, happiness, all these different things, just for some simply mouth pleasure, for a few moments. --...
What is the best diet for humans?
It wasn't just about the food. It was also about the person eating it. --- Eran Segals The Glucose Response Factor In the graphic above, they found that 65% of people in their study had more signif...
Why Tom Brady Doesn’t Eat Tomatoes
Lectins are thought to bind to sugars and can possibly make arthritis worse for people. I got into pressure cooking and began cooking a lot of dry beans, because you don’t have to soak them. Th...
Animal Protein
The body is always trying to create health. Even when we assault it with all kinds of stuff. --- T. Colin Campbell China Diabetes Linked to Rice with Increased Meat Consumption Add tuna to rice crea...
Blue Zones Don’t Have Gyms!
Time and health are two precious assets that we don't recognize and appreciate until they have been depleted. --- Denis Waitley Thoughts If these blue zones with the highest concentrations of centen...