Sugar and Processed Food Disease Is Killing (the) US
At the rate at which we are consuming sugar today, sugar is not a treat...sugar has become a gradual death sentence. --- Denis Waitley “Chronic added-sugar consumption is no less a problem t...
Twitter HealthInB8A Top 25
This list does change, so make sure to bookmark the ones that look good! True to the point of being sad. #healthinb8a — Tim Brown (@inb8a) May 14, 2020 Use your fist fo...
Gut Microbiomes
You have a second brain that is your gut! “Just because microbes are foreign…doesn’t mean they’re any less a fundamental part of us.” - Sarkis Mazmanian Microbiome: ...
Sleep VS Exercise for Weight Loss
The World Health Organization has classified any form of night-time shift work as a probable carcinogen. --- Shawn Stevenson You need sleep BEFORE and AFTER learning in order to effectively store w...
I'm wearing a sport coat, so that you'll trust me. --- Kent Thornburg It is very interesting that both small and large babies will be more vulnerable for heart disease for the rest of their lives, ...
Seed Oils: Why They Are Bad For You
The dramatic increase in soybean oil consumption in the US went from zero to 24 pounds (11 kgs) per person per year from 1909 to 1999. --- Issues with Seed Oils They’re...
The Cause of Heart Disease
Those with cardiovascular disease not identified with diabetes...are simply undiagnosed. --- Dr. Joseph R. Kraft Heart Disease Connection to “Processed Food Disease” ( aka Type 2 Diabete...
Have antibiotics destroyed gut bacteria leading to obesity, brain diseases (ASD), and premature death?
One particularly exciting possibility is that the obesity epidemic is literally an epidemic in terms of transmitting an obesogenic microbiome from human to human. --- Rob Knight Very interesting cor...
Ideal Human Diet: Starch?
The Diet of Kings and Queens. --- John McDougall How can we compete with the world on the SAD, the Standard American Diet? So far, our current solution is to make the rest of the world sick. We have...
Milk and Cookie Disease
Why are thousands of babies born every year completely healthy, but within the first 5 years of life they're so sick all the time? “Sugar is the nicotine and alcohol addiction that has alre...
Milk. It Does a Body Bad!
About a century ago we ate 4 lbs of cheese per year, now we are up to over 33 lbs. “The myth that osteoporosis is caused by calcium deficiency was created to sell dairy products and calcium s...
Nutrition Causes Cancer, Not Genetics
How might protein “turn on” cancer? What’s the mechanism? Every time they looked for a mechanism protein above a certain level turned out to be turning on cancer. There is a complexi...